Where Potential Meets Purpose


The St. Anthony School is a secular, accredited private school in North Dallas, Texas. We specialize in a therapeutic and comprehensive teaching approach for students grades 3-12 with academic, social, emotional and behavioral differences.
Take a look around and see if we’re the right fit for your child and family!


Who We Are

Established in 1998, the St. Anthony School (TSAS) has grown to become the preeminent school in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for educating and treating the complete child. TSAS is accredited through Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools (TAAPS), and serves neurodivergent students from 3rd to 12th grade. We are the only school in the area to offer the combination of social skills training, individualized academic plans, and on-site therapy from licensed professional counselors.


Who We Serve

We serve the misunderstood and underachieving child by helping him or her learn how to set and achieve goals and establish healthy behaviors for the future. Our classrooms are filled with a diverse group of individuals who learn differently and thrive in an environment tailored to their needs. Our diversity includes students who are challenged with academic/learning disorders, social and emotional disorders, and symptom-based issues like depression, high anxiety and low self-esteem.

The beauty of neurodiversity is it challenges our definition of normal.
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St. Anthony’s committed teachers, administrators and therapists help students learn through individualized instruction and a comprehensive approach. Students experience a warm, structured school environment, and families receive the specialized support they need. Learn More

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Every physical space – each room, hallway and community area – at The St. Anthony School was created with our students’ diverse challenges in mind. For example, many of our classrooms and common areas have dim lighting and neutral color palettes to not overwhelm the senses.

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Students from grades 3-12 will be taught a curriculum based on their capabilities and strengths. This means that a fourth-grade student capable of performing sixth-grade mathematics will receive customized lesson planning for both their academic level and learning style.

Reviews The St anthony school carrollton staff

The teachers at The St. Anthony School are highly educated and have experience in special needs education, and our on-site therapists are here to ensure our students thrive. Therapists also serve as a resource for the teachers and students’ families. The entire staff has a connection and commitment to our students that’s simply unmatched. Meet Our Staff


Practice Socializing



We host frequent off-site field trips to provide each child with the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities. Our goal is to present experiences that will allow the students to socialize and develop important life skills—all while having a good time.

We understand that parents might not have the flexibility for a 3:00 p.m. pick-up time—plus, our students have so much fun they rarely want to leave right when the final bell rings! We offer after school activities from sports teams to homework help to keep your child safe and engaged.

Did you know that summertime activity is even more important for children with learning differences than it is for neurotypical children? We offer Summer Camps for current students depending on interest. Stay tuned for details regarding 2023 camp!


Have you heard about our Post-Graduate program,


Momentum is a transitional program designed to support high school graduates as they navigate their next stage of life. Interested in empowering your young adult to find purpose-driven success after high school? Check out the Momentum website for more information!
When school ends and life begins: choose MOMENTUM.




Our staff is dedicated to celebrating the successes of every child they help. Interested in visiting our campus?
