1. Once enrolled, please fill out the Newly Enrolled Student Application:
2. Next, please complete and return the Enrollment Forms linked below:
Enrollment Packet
Enrollment Form 2024-2025
Tuition Contract 2024-2025
Student Application
Parent Handbook
Tax Information
TSAS 2024-2025 Calendar
TSAS 2025-2026 Calendar
Current immunization records for each student are required prior to attending the first day at The St. Anthony School. The Student Immunization Record shall include the date of birth, the number of doses and type, and the dates the child received each immunization. The school’s compliance with this standard is measured by one or more of the following for each student enrolled:
1. A dated record that the child has been immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella.
2. A dated statement from a licensed physician for other authorized health professional that immunizations have begun. The immunization cycle must be completed as soon as is medically feasible.
3. A certificate signed by a licensed physician stating that the required immunization would be injurious to the student’s health.
4. A notarized statement, signed by the parent or guardian, stating that immunization conflicts with religious beliefs and practices.
Dress Code:
All students are required to wear uniforms. Uniforms are khaki pants, shorts, or skirts, and forest green or navy polo style shirts and sweaters. White athletic shoes are recommended. See Admission Forms for uniform requirements.
The St. Anthony School does not provide food service. Students bring lunch from home. Refrigerators and microwaves are available to all students. Parents are encouraged to provide healthy lunches, including: proteins, grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Refund Policy:
The St. Anthony School has financial and contractual arrangements with faculty, staff, vendors, etc., which are made before the beginning of each school year. These obligations and commitments require TSAS to MANDATE that all enrolling families commit financially for the entire school year. In order for TSAS to meet its contractual obligations to faculty, staff, and others, we do not offer a refund on any tuition and fees for any reason including, but not limited to, job relocation, change in parents’ decision for student to attend, etc. If for any reason an enrolled student fails to attend or to continue in attendance at TSAS for the contracted school year, 100% of the tuition is still due and must be paid in full.