

2025-2026 TUITION

Annual Tuition and Fees Payment: $30,500

Semi-Annual Tuition & Fees Payment: $31,000

2024-2025 TUITION

Annual Tuition and Fees Payment: $30,000

Semi-Annual Tuition & Fees Payment: $30,500

Financial Assistance

We are dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to the advantages of a St. Anthony education, and we strive to offer financial assistance to as many families as we can.

The St. Anthony School relies entirely on private tuition and fees for its operation; therefore financial assistance is limited and based on financial need. There are also K-12 educational loan opportunities below.

Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST) is the standard submission format for all applications. FAST does not decide whether financial assistance will be given or how much to give; rather FAST provides a need-based financial aid analysis service which includes a recommendation of what a family should reasonably contribute toward tuition. All information from FAST is kept confidential. Results are reviewed by the Financial Aid Committee who makes recommendations based on next year’s budget. Upon approval by the Financial Aid Committee, financial aid offers are then sent to families.

For questions regarding financial aid, please contact our Financial Director, J’Nell Green, at 214-443-1237.

Payment Methods:
Personal Check: Yes
E-Check: Yes
•Credit Cards: Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover

•Sibling Discount: Yes (10%)

Timing of Payments:
•Per Semester: Yes
•Annually: Yes

Tuition may qualify as a tax deduction:

Qualifying Expenses:
The following expenses may qualify for the deduction if a medical professional recommends the service or treatment for the child and there is a medical diagnosis of a neurological disorder, such as severe learning disability:

•Tuition to a private school
•Specialized materials (e.g., books, software, and instructional material)
•Diagnostic evaluations (by a private practitioner)
•Transportation expenses to the private school or tutor

Who Can Claim a Child as a Dependent?
A relative caretaker (e.g., a grandparent or aunt), or a non-relative caretaker (e.g., a foster parent or legal guardian), may be able to claim a child as a dependent and qualify for related tax benefits. A relative caretaker and the child are not required to live in the same household. More information is available in IRS Publication 501. Download it here.

Excerpt from: Publication 502 IRS Medical Dental Expenses

Special Education
You can include in medical expenses fees you pay on a doctor’s recommendation for a child’s tutoring by a teacher who is specially trained and qualified to work with children who have learning disabilities caused by mental or physical impairments, including nervous system disorders. You can include in medical expenses the cost (tuition, meals, and lodging) of attending a school that furnishes special education to help a child to overcome learning disabilities. A doctor must recommend that the child attend the school. Overcoming the learning disabilities must be a principal reason for attending the school, and any ordinary education received must be incidental to the special education provided. For additional information regarding Medical Tax deductions for LD students visit the IRS website.